If you ain’t heard, HIST is here! Some early highlights:

It has a dope trailer upon the Youtube.

I wrote this li’l description:

“HIST is a lightbright apocalyptic 19th century text-image blockbuster populated with behind-the-screen metaphysical rescues, chases, shipwrecks, love affairs, murders, hauntings, monsters, demonic possessions, and ritual offerings.”

Nick Francis Potter was generous enough to write this blurb:

“James Belflower and Matthew Klane’s Hist is as much a hallucinogen as a comic book, refiguring 19th-century imagery into pixel-crushed pages of gorgeous comics pulp. Here, everything’s glitched, distorted, and swimming in digital debris, resulting in a noisy-beautiful poetics steeped in granular horror, punk, and bursts of neon vaporwave. Innovative and brilliant—I can’t think of anything quite like it.”

Jesi Buell penned a cool review published in the latest Exacting Clam.

James and I have a number of early shows planned. Check out this event calendar to find a live HIST near you.
